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Plugin hooks

Plugins can define hook functions that the engine will call at various stages of loading. These hooks can be used to run custom code at those points.

Available hooks

  • onPageLoaded: Earliest hook called as soon as the page starts
  • onNarratSetup: Called when the narrat app is created but before anything is mounted
  • onAppMounted: Called when the main narrat app has been mounted to the DOM
  • onAssetsLoaded: Called as soon as asset loading is over
  • onGameSetup: Called at the very end of the game loading process, before the engine properly starts
  • onStartScreenMounted: Called when the start screen has been mounted to the DOM
  • onGameStart: Called when a game starts via pressing new game or continue
  • onGameMounted: Called when the in-game scene has been mounted to the DOM (game has started playing)
  • onGameUnmounted: Called when the in-game scene has been unmounted from the DOM (game has stopped playing)

Released under the MIT License.